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Esileht » On 20-21 of September “School leaving qualifications giving access to higher education“, peer learning activity in Tallinn

On 20-21 of September “School leaving qualifications giving access to higher education“, peer learning activity in Tallinn

The Ministry of Education and Research in Estonia, in cooperation with the European Commission, the Council of Europe, Cedefop and Estonian Qualifications Authority, will organise a peer learning activity in Tallinn on 20-21 September 2011 to exchange views on school leaving qualifications giving access to higher education.

The two day event will enable participants to discuss to which National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level various school leaving qualifications are linked, how has this level been referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), what criteria have been used for this referencing, whether it is possible and/or necessary to coordinate the linking of school leaving qualifications to the EQF, what have been the problems in linking school leaving qualifications to different EQF levels.

The seminar will host forty education officials from different European Union countries, who are involved in NQF development and implementation in their countries.


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